20 February 2008

Rotini with Turkey-Tomato Sauce and Roasted Garlic Baguette

At the bakery today they gave me a sample of this new bread they're making, the name of which I can't remember, but it's basically a short baguette that's baked with roasted garlic in the dough. It was so ridiculously tasty, just fresh from the oven. So I had to buy one. (Even though it wasn't fresh from the oven anymore 7 hours later when I bought it.)

And since I was having garlic bread, I had to make pasta to go with it. This was kind of a thrown together thing. I had an uncooked, frozen turkey burger leftover from a couple days ago, so I thawed it out to use for the sauce tonight.

The sauce was made of fried carrots, garlic, onion, and mushrooms - just using up things from the fridge - and oregano and some sort of spice mix from the cupboard, and then added and cooked the turkey. After that, I added tomato sauce (from a can) and then served it on whole wheat rotini.

I sometimes find whole grain pasta kind of heavy or stodgy and not very good, but it really is great with a good tomato sauce with a lot of flavours in it. (Just don't try to serve it with pesto...)

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